Customization Points
Extendable classes
Extendable Windchill ESI classes described in the Windchill ESI Windchill Service section of this document must be defined in Windchill ESI preferences if they are extended. The following classes are designed to permit extensions by customizers:
Preference name: Change Notice Factory
Default value: com.ptc.windchill.esi.ecn.ESIStandardECNFactory
Preference name: Change Request Factory
Default value: com.ptc.windchill.esi.ecn.ESIChangeRequestFactory
Preference name: Change Order Factory
Default value: com.ptc.windchill.esi.ecn.ESIChangeOrderFactory
Preference name: Change Activity Factory
Default value: com.ptc.windchill.esi.ecn.ESIChangeActivityFactory
Configurable Options
Windchill ESI preferences control several configurable options for Windchill ESI services. The options are:
Define whether or not Windchill ESI services modules should write debug information to the Windchill log. This preference has an effect only if Windchill ESI services debug logging is turned on. See the section Enabling Windchill ESI Services Logging of the Windchill ESI Administrator’s Guide for more information.
Preference name:Verbose
Default value: Yes
Define whether certain ESI renderers should throw an exception if the object being published has no associated distribution targets.
Preference name: Enforce Distribution Target
Default value: Yes
Defines whether or not a change notice should be automatically generated when a part, an assembly (BOM), a document, a process plan or a manufacturing resource is published.
Preference name: Automatically Generate Change Notice
Default value: No
Some Windchill ESI java classes create collections that are intended to hold the results of calculations involving other collections. When the calculation is expected to create additional entries, the new collection is given an initial size using the following formula: new collection size = the original collection size * the value of this preference. This preference is provided as a performance tuning option.
Preference name: Collection Size Multiplier
Default value: 4
Specifies whether or not the VDB builder should throw an exception if the generated ESI response has only unchanged objects or is empty.
Preference name: Enforce Changes
Default value: Yes
Define whether Windchill ESI renderers should determine that an object that has changed since it was last published if there is a new iteration, but not a new version.
Preference name: Check Iteration
Default value: No
The value of this preference is disregarded when processing a Co-produce part. In other words, a new iteration of such a part is sent as a changed one, even if the preference has a value No.
Define whether a release workflow is to be auto-launched when a specified object lifecycle state is reached. The state at which the auto-launch occurs is controlled by another preference. For example, when publishing change notices, this is controlled by the preference Change Notice Centric State.
Preference name: Launch ESI Workflow Automatically
Default value: Yes
Define the Lifecycle State of a change notice at which the release workflow is auto launched. This is used when the preference Launch ESI Workflow Automatically is set to Yes.
Preference name: Change Notice Centric State
Default value: RELEASED
Define a value used to populate the Description attribute on the initiate workflow window.
Preference name: Process Description
Default value: There is no default value for this preference.
Define a value that is combined with an object ID and used to populate the workflow process name attribute.
Preference name: Process Prefix
Default value: ESIRelease
Define the workflow template used for the release process.
Preference name: Workflow Template
Default value: Release to Manufacturing
Define the team template used for the release process.
Preference name: Team
Default value: ESI Team
Define whether or not the ESI team is to be overridden by the specified team.
Preference name: Override Team
Default value: No
Define whether or not changes are to be enforced for the resulting objects when publishing a Change Notice. If set to Yes, pre-release validation will fail if the Change Notice being published has only unchanged resulting objects; also, the ECNHeader element in the ESI response will contain only those distribution targets to which either added or changed resulting objects are being sent. If set to No, the Change Notice will be considered valid for publication even if it has only unchanged resulting objects.
Preference name: Enforce Changes To Resulting Objects
Default value: No
Define whether or not empty groups should be removed from the ESI response. When the value for this preference is set to Yes, empty groups (namely those having no elements) will be removed from the ESI response.
Preference name: Remove Empty Groups From ESI Response
Default value: No
Define the fully qualified name of the Java class that the Release To Manufacturing workflow would use for generating the ESI response.
Preference name: ESI Response Generator
Default value: com.ptc.windchill.esi.txn.ESIResponseGenerator
Defines whether or not the ESI Release Complete event (that is dispatched by the postEvent API) is to be associated to the primary business object. When this preference is set to Yes, the ESI Release Complete event will be associated to the primary business object that was released. When set to No, the event will be associated to the ESIRelease object.
Preference name: Associate ESI Release Complete Event To Primary Business Object
Default value: No
A comma separated list of class names can be specified as a value for this preference. Renumbering of objects of these classes would then be allowed even if the objects were part of a successful or pending ESI transaction. For example, the value of the preference can be WTPartMaster,WTDocumentMaster
Preference name: Class Names To Allow Renumbering For
Default value: The preference is set to a blank value by default.
Specifies whether or not to use the view information from the applicable saved filter when navigating a structure (such as a BOM). When set to Yes, the view information set on the saved filter will be used for fetching the component iterations in a structure. When set to No, the view information on an appropriate object (such as the top-level assembly part) will be used. Note that this preference assumes significance only when the associated configuration specification has View as one of its parameters.
Preference name: Use View Information from the Applicable Saved Filter
Default value: No
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