The EXPRESS-X based mapping is used to convert a model/file specific from one EXPRESS Schema into another. In a typical scenario, Windchill business objects are represented in the Windchill EXPRESS Schema. The same is being converted to an STEP AP Schema using WNCTOAPXXX EXPRESS-X Converter. This process is referred as the export process. The reverse conversion process that is, from STEP AP schema to Windchill Schema, is being converted using APXXXTOWNC EXPRESS Schema and is referred to as an import process.
STEP-based data exchange uses the EDMexpressXΤΜ mapping language to convert data complying to one express schema to a data complying to other express schema (for example, WC Express Schema to AP214 Schema or AP239 Schema to WC Schema).
For more information see the website of EXPRESS Data Manager, which is a third-party product that supports STEP.
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