Deleting an Existing Local Team
Use the DeleteLocalTeamAndMoveMembers utility to delete a local team from an existing application context and to reassign team members to roles on the shared team. The context being modified by the utility must have both a context and a shared team. When the team is deleted, all team members are moved to the shared team. If a role that existed on the local team does not exist on the shared team, the utility creates the role and moves all participants assigned to the role on the local team to the corresponding role on the shared team. Participants in the context manager role are moved to the shared team manager role; the context manager role is not moved to the shared team. All policy access control rules associated with the context team roles move to the corresponding roles on the shared team. Any policy access control rules associated with the context manager role are associated with the shared team manager role.
This utility is often run after the AddSharedTeamToContexts utility to clean up the modified contexts. Only site administrators can run this utility.
To delete the local team and move the members to the shared team roles:
1. Create a text file that contains a list of contexts from which you want to remove the local team.Use the following format to create the text file.
<container path>
where <container path> is the container path or the container identifier of the context whose context team you want to modify. For more information, see Finding the Object or Container Identifier.
If you want to remove the local team from multiple contexts, list each context on a new line. The following example has multiple contexts.
/wt.inf.container.OrgContainer=Test Organization/wt.projmgmt.admin.Project2=Project A
/wt.inf.container.OrgContainer=Test Organization/wt.pdmlink.PDMLinkProduct=Product B
/wt.inf.container.OrgContainer=Test Organization/wt.inf.library.WTLibrary=Library C
2. Save the text file to your local hard drive.
3. From a windchill shell, run the following command
windchill <Text File Path>
where <Text File Path> is the location of the text file you created.
If your text file contains spaces in the file name, put quotation marks (“) around the file path in the command. For example, windchill “C:\Windchill\Shared Team Conversion.txt”.
After the utility runs, a log file is created and its location is specified in the windchill shell. A new log file is created each time you run the utility. If a context does not have both a shared team and a local team or if the context specified cannot be found, the utility skips that context, creates an entry in the log file, and continues.