map.mapping.template ファイルは、samples ディレクトリの mapping フォルダにあります。samples ディレクトリは、クライアントのインストール中に作成されます。samples ディレクトリやその他のディレクトリとファイルの詳細については、インストールを参照してください。
次のマッピングテンプレートは、Creo Packages と Windchill PLM Connector 8.0 以降で使用できます。
# This template contains all the keywords and usage.
# USAGE ===
# 1. There are two keywords that appear outside the begin and end block(s)
# These keywords are applicable to all blocks
# site, rule
# 2. There can be any number of blocks starting with begin and end.
# 3. Blocks cannot be nested.
# 4. Single line Comments can be written followed by a hash keyword(#).
# No spaces are allowed before a hash keyword.
# site keyword has following modifiers
# a) -id (required) takes a site id. This is available in wpc
# package's package.xml
# b) -alias(optional) User friendly display name for the given site
# c) -ownername (optional) Name of user defined attribute (String)
# that is to be used to display owner site name
# d) -ownerversion (optional) Name of user defined attribute
# String) that is to be used
# to display the Version in the owner system
# Rule keyword can also be present in each block too. If it is
# present in each block
# the rule in the block overrides the global rule.
# Rule keyword has two modifiers.
# -iteration_rule
# Can take any one of the following values
# a) latest
# b) position
# c) position_latest
# -revision_rule
# Can take any one of the following values
# a) label
# b) position
# Each block can can have following maps
# location <owner path> = <target path>
# revision <owner path> = <target label>
# lifecyclestate <owner lifecycle name>
# ::<owner lifecycle state> = target lifecycle name>
# ::<target lifecycle state>
# Each block can have a rule that overrides the global rule
# site -id 476250931-1165312260509-17489534-123-184-21-130@i3190
# -alias "" -ownername OWNERNAME -ownerversion OWNERVERSION
# rule -iteration_rule latest -revision_rule Label
# begin
# location "/PTC_2/Product/PRODUCT_2"="/PTC/Product/PROD1//folderxyzf"
# lifecyclestate "Basic::INWORK"="Basic::INWORK"
# revision A=Z
# revision B=Y
# revision C=X
# rule -iteration_rule position -revision_rule Label
# end
# begin
# location "/PTC_2/Library/LIB1//folderx="/PTC/Product/PROD1//folderxyzf"
# location "/PTC_2/Library/LIB1//foldery="/PTC/Product/PROD1//folder2"
# lifecyclestate "Basic::INWORK"="Basic::INWORK"
# lifecyclestate "Default::INWORK"="Basic::INWORK"
# rule -iteration_rule position -revision_rule position
# end