Funzionalità aggiuntive > Manufacturing Process Management > Control Characteristics > Working with Standard Control Characteristics in Windchill MPMLink
Working with Standard Control Characteristics in Windchill MPMLink
This section describes how to create, edit, and manage standard control characteristics in Windchill MPMLink. Standard control characteristics use a symbolic engineering language that explicitly describes key features as well as nominal geometry and allowable variation for a part or process. They indicate to manufacturing staff and machines the degree of accuracy and precision required for each controlled feature of a part during fabrication, assembly, and test.
For more information, see the following topics.
Key Points
When you copy standard control characteristics from an operation to the same or another operation, the Manufacturing Operation to Standard Control Characteristic Link attributes are also copied by the system.
When you copy standard control characteristics from an operation to the same or another operation, the following usage link attributes are also copied by the system:
Standard Control Characteristic Usage to Document Describe Link
Standard Control Characteristic Usage to Process Plan Link
Standard Control Characteristic Usage to Resource Link
You can copy and duplicate standard control characteristics from an operation to the same or another operation. You can use the Copy Standard Control Characteristic action to copy and Duplicate and Paste Control Characteristic action to duplicate the control characteristics. When you copy and duplicate standard control characteristics from an operation to the same or another operation, the Manufacturing Operation to Standard Control Characteristic Link attributes are not copied by the system.
In the BOM Transformer, when you copy standard control characteristics from a part or enterprise data to another part or enterprise data, the Associative to Standard Control Characteristic Link attributes are also copied by the system.
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