Process Plan Browser Task Tabs
The task tabs located in the right-side pane of the Process Plan Browser display information pertinent to the object selected in the left-side structure pane.
The task tab collection that appears is dependent on the type of object selected in the structure pane.
The following table provides a general description for each tab that may appear in the pane.
Tab Name
Displays important attribute information about the object selected in the process plan structure.
From the Documentation tab, you view, add, change, or remove document associations, and assign any part tags that are available.
The visualization tab shows all the parts and operated on parts allocated in the process plan and highlights the parts allocated in the selected operation. However, in playback mode only a subset of the parts dependent on the current operation in the playback are displayed. They are highlighted in the structure using a different color scheme.
The visualization tab is hidden when using Windchill on the Macintosh operating system.
Displays graphic images of all objects with published geometry generated from CAD models, or if the parts have a representation that is visible in CreoView. Selecting the image of an object expands the object structure and highlights the object in the structure pane (cross-probe). Selecting an object in the structure pane highlights the same object in the Visualization tab.
To enable cross-probing, you must have the preferences Automatically Select from Structure to Visualization and Automatically Select from Visualization to Structure turned on using the automatic selection preference icon in the Visualization tab toolbar. These preferences are turned off by default.
Work Center Allocation
Displays a list of plants associated with the process plan. Can then be used to visualize assembly lines, costing areas, work center groups and can also be used to localize operations. For more information see Manufacturing Resources
Displays the standard procedures, operations and sequences that make up the selected process plan or operation.
Part Allocation
Displays the parts that have been allocated to the operation. For more information see Allocating Parts.
Processing Resources
Used to add, remove and display the processing resources associated with the selected operation. Part tagging for the resources can be done from this tab as well.
Control Characteristics
Used to add, remove, copy, paste and display control characteristics.
Standard Procedures
Used to view and add standard procedures, and to manage the resources allocated to a standard procedure.
Although the structure pane allows multi-selection, the tabs can only show the information associated with one object at a time. As a result, the information in the task tabs represents the last selected object only.
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