Creating Multiple Split Assemblies in Downstream View from Assemblies in Upstream View
To create multiple split assemblies in the downstream view from assemblies in the upstream view, perform the following steps:
1. Select one or more assemblies in the upstream view.
You can use the New Split Assemblies action in usage and occurrence mode. Ideally, assign reference designators to all the parts and occurrences of the assemblies that you split using the New Split Assemblies action.
2. Optionally, select a part in the downstream view under which you want to assemble multiple downstream assemblies.
If you do not select any part in the downstream view, the split assemblies are still created. You can view them in the location that you specify in the New Split Assemblies dialog box.
3. In the upstream view, select New/Add > New Split Assemblies. The New Split Assemblies dialog box opens. It contains the Assemble Under and Set Parameters steps.
The Assemble Under step lets you create a new assembly or use an existing assembly. The details of the existing assembly, if any, appears in the step.
4. In the Assemble Under step, perform one of the following actions:
Click Add Row to create a new row. Specify a name for the assembly and optionally provide the View, Location, BOM Type, and Alternate BOM type details. You can add a new row even if an existing split assembly is present in the Assemble section.
Use to remove the existing split assembly or newly added row.
When you use to remove an existing split assembly, only the entry is removed from the New Split Assemblies dialog box. The split assembly is not removed from the downstream view.
In the Assemble Under step, the Type list displays all the types and sub types of parts that appear in the Part section of Type and Attribute Management. For more information, see Working with the Type and Attribute Management Utility.
The resources listed in the Part section of Type and Attribute Management are not listed in the Type list.
The default part or subpart that is displayed in the Type list depends on the value that you set in the following preferences:
Associativity > Downstream Creation > Type
Structure Transformation Type Mapping List
Select the assemblies and click Edit Attribute Value to set any of the mandatory soft-type attributes of objects selected for the action. In the Edit Attribute Value dialog box, the Set list contains a list of required soft attributes currently displayed in the columns of the Assemble Under tab. Depending on the attribute selected in the Set list, the To field presents a list or an input panel. Click Apply to set the value and leave the Edit Attribute Value dialog box open. Or, click OK to exit the Edit Attribute Value dialog box and return to the Assemble Under step, where the newly set value is displayed. For more information, see Setting Attribute Values.
After adding rows in the New Split Assemblies dialog box, if you change the soft type attributes, the entries of the added rows disappear. The Type list is also updated.
5. Click Next to move to the Set Parameters tab.
6. In the Set Parameters tab, the attributes of the selected part and its first-level child parts appear.
Provides information about the quantity of first-level child parts.
Reference Designator
The values that appear in the Reference Designator column depend on whether the displayed part is in usage mode or occurrence mode.
In the usage mode, the reference designators column value appears as a range.
In the occurrence mode, the exact value of the reference designator is displayed.
If you do not assign any reference designators, the value in the Reference Designator column appears as blank.
Existing Downstream Object
Use the Existing Downstream Object list to create a split assembly under an existing downstream object.
You can choose to create a split assembly under a new part by using the Transformation Type list.
The Existing Downstream Object list is empty if no downstream objects exist.
The Transformation Type list is enabled when no downstream object from the Existing Downstream Object list is selected.
Transformation Type
Select one from the following transformation types:
Add Same –This is the default selection in the Transformation Type column. Select this option when you want the parts to be consumed as is. In this case, the part number and the view of the parts consumed in the downstream view remains the same. The behavior of the Add Same selection is same as the Paste action in BOM Transformer.
New Branch—The behavior of the New Branch selection is same as the Paste as New Branch action in BOM Transformer. In this case, the part number of the parts consumed in the downstream view remains the same; however, the view changes.
New Part—The behavior of the New Part selection is same as the Paste as New Part action in BOM Transformer. In this case, the part number and the view of the parts consumed in the downstream view changes.
Use the Edit Attribute Value action in the Set Parameters step to select the same transformation type for multiple split assemblies. To do that, select the assemblies for which you want to set the transformation type and click Edit Attribute Value. The Edit Attribute Value dialog box opens. In the Edit Attribute Value dialog box, the Set list contains the same options that appear in the Transformation Type column. Select one of the options and click OK.
You can use the Edit Attribute Value action only if you have not selected anything in the Existing Downstream Object list for the selected split assemblies
Use the Edit Attribute Value action in the Set Parameters step to assign specific quantity of a part to a split assembly. To do that, select the parts and click Edit Attribute Value. The Edit Attribute Value dialog box opens. In the Set list, select the split assembly for which you want to assign the selected part. In the To field, enter the quantity and click OK.
You can also make use of the following actions available in the Set Parameters tab:
Show Occurrences and Hide Occurrences
Select to display each occurrence of a part as a separate object in the Set Parameters tab. If hidden, you can determine the number of occurrences of a part by the Quantity column.
Enable Select in Structure and Disable Select in Structure
When selected, the selected part or occurrence in the Set Parameters tab is highlighted and selected in the upstream tree structure.
7. In usage mode, enter the quantity of child parts to be consumed in the split assemblies.
In occurrence mode, select the occurrences to be consumed in the split assemblies.
You can proceed even if the entered quantity is less than the original quantity of the part.
An error appears if the entered quantity is more than the original quantity of the part.
An error appears if you specify invalid value. For unit as each, the value must be a whole number. For all other units, the value cannot be a negative decimal number.
8. Click Finish.
The new splits assemblies are created and the child parts are added to it.
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