Dedicated Queue for Jasper Report Scheduling
This feature allows you to configure dedicated queues to run individual scheduled Jasper reports. You can use this feature to execute a long-running Jasper report in an individual queue so that other instantly-running reports do not have to wait until the long-running Jasper report is executed.
You can map Jasper reports to dedicated queues by using the multivalued property in the file. Each property value is in the <ReportName>,<QueueName> format. If the Windchill queue with the name specified in the property does not exist, it is automatically created. The same queue can be mapped to multiple Jasper reports.
Only the below special characters are allowed in the name of the Jasper report that needs to be scheduled:
At sign
Percentage sign
Plus sign
Curly bracket
Curly bracket
Square bracket
Square bracket
Full stop
These special characters are identified by considering the special character validations in Unix and Windows file names, as well as the syntax of the xconfmanager command.
You must restart the method server after updating the property.
According to the existing queue validations, the queue name must not be more than 30 characters long. If you specify more than 30 characters, the system trims the queue name to the first 30 characters. You must use only alphanumeric characters in the name of the dedicated queue that is being configured.
Sample Commands
xconfmanager --add"Change Notice Summary Report,ChangeQueue" -p
xconfmanager --remove"Change Notice Summary Report,ChangeQueue" -p
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