Creating a Regulatory Submission
You can create a regulatory submission in two ways:
• From the information page of a part, a regulatory decision, or a place
• From the Regulatory Submissions table page
Creating a Regulatory Submission from the Information Page
To create a regulatory submission, perform following steps:
1. Navigate to the information page of the part for which you want to create a regulatory submission.
2. Click
to add new tab and open the
Customize drop-down menu.
3. Click > > . The Regulatory Submissions table appears. You can rename the tab as required.
4. Click > . A New Regulatory Submission wizard opens.
5. Add details for Set Context and Set Attributes step.
6. On the Assign Subjects step, assign subjects to the regulatory submission by adding parts, places, or regulatory decisions in the Subject Picker window. The subject objects are controlled by the type of regulatory submission you are creating. When done, click Next to assign drivers.
7. On the Assign Drivers step, assign drivers by adding any additional parts, documents, UDI super sets, regulatory decisions, customer experiences, regulatory submissions, or places that may be needed for the regulatory submission. The driver objects depend on the type of regulatory submission you are creating.
8. Complete all the details in the New Regulatory Submission wizard and click Finish.
The newly created regulatory submission is added in the
Regulatory Submissions table. For more information, see
Regulatory Submissions Table Page.
Creating a Regulatory Submission from the Regulatory Submissions Table Page
To create a regulatory submission, perform following steps:
1. Click > on the Regulatory Submissions Table page. This opens the New Regulatory Submission wizard.
2. Add details for the Set Attribute step and click Next.
3. On the Assign Subjects step, assign subjects to the regulatory submission by adding parts, places, or regulatory decisions in the Subject Picker window. The subject objects are controlled by the type of regulatory submission you are creating. When done, click Next to assign drivers.
4. On the Assign Drivers step, assign drivers by adding any additional parts, documents, UDI super sets, regulatory decisions, customer experiences, regulatory submissions, or places that may be needed for the regulatory submission. The driver objects depend on the type of regulatory submission you are creating.
5. Click Finish.
The regulatory submission is created in the Regulatory Submissions table.