Creating a New Rule
You can create content replication rules to control the type of information that is replicated. To create a replication rule:
1. On the
Content Replication Rules page, click the new replication rule icon

. The
New Content Replication Rule window opens.
2. Type a unique name for the rule in the Name field.
3. Optionally, type a description of the rule in the Description field.
4. Click Next.
5. Select the checkboxes of the contexts that are included in the rule. If the rule applies to all contexts, select Check All to automatically select the checkboxes for all of the contexts. A table appears on the right side of the page.
6. On the right side of the window, select the folders and subfolders or domains and subdomains that the rule applies to.
To apply the rule to objects based on the folders or subfolders where they reside, leave Folders selected at the top right of the window. To apply the rule to objects based on their domain or subdomain, select Domains. By default, all folders and subfolders or domains and subdomains (if they exist) are selected.
7. Click Next.
8. Add selection criteria by doing the following:
| You must define selection criteria for Object Type and Target Replica Vault. All other types of selection criteria are optional. |
a. Select an option from the Criteria list and then click Add.
b. Complete the information in the Value column. Some fields include a Find button, which enables you to select or search for items to add to the criteria field.
9. Click Finish.
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