Assigning Choices to Part Usages
Consider these prerequisites for assigning choices to a part usage in the product structure:
• An option set must be assigned to the part or part’s context, or to the root part or to the root part’s context. The context is a product or library to which this part belongs.
• The selected part is a child of a configurable module.
To assign choices to part usages:
1. Go to the Structure tab of a part’s information page.
2. Right-click a child of a configurable module and select Manage Applicability. The Manage Applicability window opens.
3. In the
Expressions area, click

next to the
Assigned Usage Expressions field. An options selection window opens, listing the options and choices from the assigned option set.
The assigned option set is indicated at the top of the window.
4. If the assigned option set was created with Allow Date Effectivity for Choices set to Yes, the effectivity date is available in the options selection window. Once the effectivity date is selected, only the choices that are within their effectivity range are available for selection.
5. Select the Design Choice tab.
| Out-of-the-box, only the Design Choice tab is available. The Sales Choice tab appears only if the Sales Choice type is designated as instantiable in the Type and Attribute Management utility. |
6. The Design Choice tab lists the options and choices included in the option set. Each option contains a list of available choices to choose from. Start selecting choices by clicking checkboxes. Scroll down to view all available options.
| To select several choices for the same option, use the Shift or CTRL key. |
To assign options via advanced (AND or OR) expression, click the
Assign Advanced Expression button

. Refer to
Defining Options with Advanced Expressions for further information, and confirmation of how to expose the Advanced Expression feature.
7. If the assigned option set was created with Allow Assignment of Exclude Choices set to Yes, you can assign exclude choices. To do this, select a checkbox in the Exclude column. The excluded choices are added to the Summary section with the ≠ sign.
| Either all or none of the choices from the same option can be set as exclude choices. Designating one choice as an exclude choice selects all other choices from the same option. |
8. The choices that you have selected are listed in the Summary section of the window.
9. When finished assigning choices, click OK. The choices you assigned are listed in the Assigned Usage Expressions field in the Manage Applicability window.
Close the window if you are satisfied with your Options assignment.
Tips for Using the Options Selection Window
• If options are organized by groups, select a group from the Select a group drop-down list at the top-right corner of the window.
• You can view the information page for the assigned option set by clicking

• You can click on “+” or “—” next to the option name to expand or collapse option choices.
• If you want to remove all selections, click

at the top of the window.
Overriding the Version of the Assigned Option Set
If you want to use a different version of the assigned option set for assigning choices, you can override the currently assigned version. This can be useful to you if you want to test a new version of the option set. To override the option set version, click
Override Option Set Revision 
and select a different version. To remove the override, click
Undo Option Set Override 
The lifecycle of the assigned option set has an effect on how the override works. For example, if the option set B.1 is assigned to a part with the lifecycle state Released and you, as an administrator, want to update the same option set in the C.5 version, then you can override the B.1 option set with the C.5 version while testing. However, if the lifecycle is not used for assigning the option set to the part, then you can override the option set with only older versions.