Exporting as a Template
Exporting a project or program as a template makes it available for import. Use the following procedure to export a project or program as a template:
1. Select Export as Template from the right-click actions menu for the project or program on the Projects table or Programs table, or select Export as Template from the Actions menu on the project or program information page
The Export Project Template or Export Program Template window appears, as appropriate.
2. Enter a template name in the Project Template Name or Program Template Name field. This is a required field. The default name is "<project or program name> Template." Enter up to 200 characters.
3. Provide a description of the template in the Description field. Enter up to 4,000 characters.
4. Select the check boxes for the items you want to include in the template. Choices include: Folder Structure, Folder Links and Structure, Project Plan or Program Plan, Deliverables, Team Roles, Team Members, Documents, Document Templates, Discussion Spec, Discussion Template, Object Initialization Rules, Template Visibility, and Preferences.
Some of the check boxes are related. For example, if you select the check box for Project Plan or Program Plan, then Team Roles and Team Members are automatically selected as well. If you clear either Team Roles or Team Members, then the Project Plan or Program Plan check box is automatically cleared. If you clear the Project Plan or Program Plan check box, then the Deliverables check box is automatically cleared.
5. Click OK to export the project as a project template. You are prompted to save a ZIP file to your file system.
• You cannot import a template from the Projects or Programs tables. The import template icon  is only available on > and > tables. You must change the view to Project Templates or Program Templates to see the icon. • If you select Deliverables, the subject objects of type document associated with the deliverable activities are included in the template. The same is true for documents associated with deliverable activities that are shared with the project from a PDM context. |