Using the Variant Baselines Tab
The Variant Baselines table is available as a customizable tab on the information page of a part. You can view the Variant Baselines tab by selecting Customize > Related Objects > Variant Baselines.
The Variant Baselines tab within the information page of the part contains details of a module variant or a lower level part that you can track using one or more variant baselines required for developing a set of product variants. You can use the same module variants or lower level parts in other variants specifications that are being developed concurrently using their own set of variant baselines.
You can make adjustments to these variant baselines in case of design iterations or issues that are resolved by engineering changes. For this analysis, you must first identify the impacted baselines for a specific module variant or a lower level part. Thus, having the visibility to the potentially impacted baselines, you can quickly review the design activity occurring across different variant baselines and determine the required resolution steps to modify the impacted variant baselines.
The Variant Baselines table displays:
Attributes such as number, name, version, revision, and so on, and allows you to track part versions by the associated variant baseline.
Product Family attribute associated with the variant baseline.
Variant baseline with the “In Work” state. You can list the baselines in descending chronological order by displaying the most immature and newest ones on top and older and more matured ones at the bottom of the list. Use either Creation Date or Number to order the table.
Variant baseline member link soft attributes.
A specific version of a part that is assigned to each variant baseline for all revisions of the part. Also, you can add filter criteria to display:
Variant baselines for the current part revision.
Specific part views.
Certain types of variant baseline.
Planned Variant Specification that is a set of variant specification revisions assigned to the variant baseline.
Variant specifications attribute.
The following actions are available in the Variant Baselines table tool bar.
Open in Product Family Matrix Editor
Opens the selected variant baseline and its variant specifications in Matrix Editor.
For more information, see Product Family Matrix Editor.
Edit Baseline Members
Allows you to update the status of the variant baseline members listed in the Variant Baselines table. In the Edit Baseline Members window, you can edit the Status column of individual variant baseline members.
You can select any one of the following statuses for a variant baseline member:
In Work
In Procurement
In Assembly
This action is only available in the tool bar if one or more variant baseline members are listed in the table.
Update Baseline Objects
Allows you to update the baseline objects associated with the selected variant baseline.
For information about the actions in the Objects List table tool bar in the Update Baseline Objects window, see Collecting Baseline Objects.
New change notice
Allows you to create a change notice.
For more information, see Creating a Change Notice.
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