Sharing Rules and Considerations
When an object is shared to a project, a status glyph appears in the Folder Contents table and on the object information page:
• Shared to a project

• Shared from PDM

• Checked out from PDM

• Checked out to a project

Moving a Shared Object
Source objects that are shared to a project cannot be moved between folders or contexts. Shares have to be removed from all projects before moving the source object.
Numbering Schemes
When an object is created in a project and then sent to PDM, a new number is assigned according to PDM object initialization rules.
• If the numbering scheme for the target context is set to manual, you can enter a number into this field.
• If the numbering scheme is set to automatic, the object number is automatically generated.
• If the number generation is the same in both contexts, the object keeps the number that is assigned in the source project.