步驟 5. 定義下載確認 - 選用
1. 導覽至下列來源檔案:
其中 <Windchill> 是您安裝 Windchill 解決方案的位置。如果您使用不同的地區設定,請找到或建立該地區設定的對應 RBINFO 檔案。
2. securityLabelDownloadAckResource.rbInfo 檔案複製到下列位置:
3. 在文字編輯器中開啟 securityLabelDownloadAckResource.rbInfo 檔案複本。
4. 針對每個下載確認訊息,新增以下幾行:
<KEY> 是將在 securityLabelsConfiguration.xml 檔案中指定的下載確認金鑰。
<LOCALIZED_MESSAGE_TEXT> 是將會顯示在使用者介面中的確認訊息。
<COMMENT> 是描述訊息目的之選用註解。
LNS_DownloadAck.value=I have read and agree to the terms of the
state export license.
LNS_DownloadAck.comment=State export license user acknowledgement
LNC_DownloadAck.value=I have read and agree to the terms of the
commercial export license.
LNC_DownloadAck.comment=Commercial export license user acknowledgement
PRV_DownloadAck.value=I have read and agree to the company policy
for private content.
PRV_DownloadAck.comment=Private employee user acknowledgement
INT_DownloadAck.value=I have read and agree to the company policy
for internal content.
INT_DownloadAck.comment=Internal employee user acknowledgement
MPRV_DownloadAck.value=I have read and agree to the company policy
for company most private content.
MPRV_DownloadAck.comment=Company most private employee user
5. 儲存並關閉。
6. 在 windchill shell 中,執行以下指令,來建構 Resource Bundle:
Windows 系統:
ResourceBuild wt.access.configuration
UNIX 系統:
ResourceBuild.sh wt.access.configuration