Replace Translation Source
Before using Replace Translation Source, be sure you read Managing Translation Objects. Before proceeding, ensure the following statements are true:
The selected dynamic document is the latest version.
The selected dynamic document is not an XLIFF document.
The dynamic document is checked in, and you have permission to check out any publication section or information group that includes this dynamic document.
The publication section or information group that includes this dynamic document is not in the state specified by the Preparation State preference. If so, change the publication section or information group to the correct state.
Your site may allow the system to automatically revise the parent as part of the Replace Translation Source action.
1. On the information page of the selected dynamic document, select Replace Translation Source from the Actions menu.
2. The Replace Translation Source window opens, displaying the valid released and latest translations. Select the language you want to use as your source language and click Next.
3. The Affected Parts table displays all objects linked to the content holder of the selected dynamic document, so you know which objects will be updated. The latest revision and iteration are shown. Click Finish to accept the change.
As a result of the action:
The selected translated document becomes the new source document.
The former source document becomes a translation of the new source document.
All translation links for the former source document are updated to reference the new source document.
The attributes, options, choices, and expressions of the current content holder are copied to the new content holder.
The new content holder will have the Authoring Language set to the language of the selected document.
Information and publications structures that used the previous source dynamic document and its content holder are updated to use the new source dynamic document and its content holder. All usage links are updated as well.
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