Collecting Objects Associated with Structures
When moving, deleting, or revisinga structure component, or saving it as a new object, you can elect to include any of its associated or related objects in the same action.
Options to select associated or related objects are available in two places in the Move, Delete, Revise, and Commonspace Save As windows:
Icons to collect individual object types appear in the toolbar of these windows, for example Collect related CAD / Dynamic documents Collect related CAD / Dynamic documents icon
The Advanced collection icon Advanced collection icon in these toolbars provides access to the Advanced Add window
You can select from a list of object types available for collection with the current component in the Advanced Add window.
The set of object types available for collection with the current component depends on the current component’s object type, user access, and the software you have installed.
To Collect Objects Using the Advanced Add Window
1. In the Move , Delete, Revise, or Commonspace Save As window, select the component whose related/associated objects are to be collected.
2. Choose the Advanced collection option Advanced collection from the toolbar.
3. The Advanced Add window opens. Different options are available in the window, depending on the object type of the current component, and the action being carried out:
Related business objects such as parts or CAD / dynamic documents
Related parts list objects such as associated parts lists
This section is only visible in the Advanced Add window if Windchill Service Parts is installed.
If the current component is a dynamic document, you can also select translations from the Collect Translated Documents field when deleting the component.
4. Select the required object type or types then click OK. Any related objects of the selected types are displayed in the Object List table.
You can vary the display of the table with the drop down list at the top of it. The default display of the table is controlled by the Display collected objects preference for an action, and its value is displayed as the title for the drop down list, for example As a List. Refer to Setting Service Preferences for further information.
5. Select the required related objects from the table. The selected objects are included when the Revise, Move, Delete, or Save As action is completed.
Refer to About the Collector for information about the collector tool.
Refer to Collecting in Advanced Mode for further information about collecting related objects.
To Collect Related Service Objects of a Part
The Collect Related Service Objects enables you to add associated service objects of a part to the Affected Objects or Resulting Objects table while creating a Change Notice or Change Request for that part. You can navigate to the information page of the service object to see the associated service data. The implementation of this functionality requires you to configure the Include Related Service Objects preference to All or Initially Selected Only in the Collector sub utility. By default, the preference value is set to None.
This action is visible in the Return Collected Objects window only if Windchill Service Information Manager is installed.
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