The Service Structures Tables
The Information Structures and Publication Structures tables enable you to view all of the service structures associated with your product or library. You can view both types of service structure tables from the Details page. You can also view the Publication Structures for your product by choosing the Publication Structures folder in your product. The Information Structure folder displays the primary information structure for your product or library rather than a list of information structures.
The service structure tables provide information about the structures, and enable you to perform actions on the structures through the toolbar and the shortcut menu. You can also open the information page by clicking on the information icon next to a structure in the table.
You can filter the display by defining and then selecting a view from the list next to the structure table name. You can also search for structures in the table and view selected objects only. For more information on these capabilities, see Using Tables.
By default, the table shows the latest version of the latest revision for a structure, or the checked out version if the structure is currently checked out to you. To view all revisions that you have access to for a structure in the table, you need to create a custom table view available from the menu next to the Structures table title. For more information, see Customizing Table Views.
Table columns can be displayed or hidden by clicking the arrow in any column heading displayed in the table. For example, when creating or generating a service structure, you can display the Generation Status column to view its progress. An In Progress icon will be visible in the Generation Status column while the service structure is being generated. The Is Primary column displays whether an information structure is the primary for the current context. The primary information structure is also noted by the icon in the Object Type Indicator column. For more information, see Modifying Table Columns.
The Toolbar
The service structure tables have a toolbar that enables you to create a new service structure and perform actions on selected structures. The toolbar contains the following options:
New Information Structure
New Publication Structure
If you are in an Information Structures table, this icon opens the Create a New Information Structure window where you can create a new structure.
If you are in a Publication Structures table, this icon opens the Create a New Publication Structure window where you can create a new structure.
Save As
Opens the Commonspace Save As window where you can save the selected structure as a new structure.
You can include dependent objects in the Save As table by changing the selection in the Dependents drop-down list to All. However, this does not include the objects associated with content holders in the table. To include those objects, select the content holders in the table and click on the toolbar to collect related CAD / Dynamic Documents related to content holders to the table.
Deletes one or more selected structures.
Refreshes the display of objects in the table. This action is available only on publication structure tables.
Actions menu
Provides the following actions:
In an Information Structures table, the menu displays New Information Structure, which performs the same action as the toolbar button.
In a Publication Structures table, the menu displays New Publication Structure, which performs the same action as the toolbar button.
In an Information Structures table, the menu displays Open in Information Structure Editor.
In a Publication Structures table, the menu displays Open in Publication Structure Editor.
Either action opens the structure in the Structure tab of the Service Structure Information Page.
Save As — Performs the same action as the toolbar button.
Copy — Copies one or more selected structures to the clipboard.
Use the > Quick Links > Clipboard menu option to view the clipboard.
Refer to About the Clipboard for information.
Delete — Performs the same action as the toolbar button.
Performs the same action as the toolbar button. This action is available only on publication structure tables.
The Shortcut Menu
In addition to the toolbar, the shortcut menu enables you to perform the following actions on the selected service structure:
View Information
Open in Information Structure Editor
Open in Publication Structure Editor
In an Information Structures table, the menu displays Open in Information Structure Editor.
In a Publication Structures table, the menu displays Open in Publication Structure Editor.
Either action opens the structure in the Structure tab of the Service Structure Information Page.
Check In
Checks in the selected object. This action is available only if you have permission to update the object, and it is currently checked out.
When an object is checked in, this action is disabled, and the Check Out action is enabled.
For more information on the check in action, see Checking In an Object.
Check Out
Checks out the selected object. This action is available only if you have permission to update the structure, and it is currently checked in.
When an object is checked out, this action is disabled and the Check In and Undo Checkout actions are enabled.
For more information on the check out action, see Checking Out an Object.
Undo Checkout
Releases the reservation on a checked out object without saving any changes. No new iteration is created.
You can only undo the checkout of an object that you previously checked out.
For more information on the undo checkout action, see Undoing a Checkout.
Edit Attributes
Opens the Edit Attributes window. From this window you can edit the attributes of the selected object. Editing the attributes changes the values for the current iteration of the object only. For more information, refer to Edit Attributes.
Opens the Rename window where you can change the name or number of the structure.
This action is only available for a checked in structure.
Copies one or more selected structures to the clipboard.
Use the > Quick Links > Clipboard menu option to view the clipboard.
Refer to About the Clipboard for information.
This action is only available for a checked in structure.
Save As
Opens the Commonspace Save As window where you can save the selected structure as a new structure.
You can include dependent objects in the Save As table by changing the selection in the Dependents drop-down list to All. However, this does not include the objects associated with content holders in the table. To include those objects, select the content holders in the table and click on the toolbar to collect related CAD / Dynamic Documents related to content holders to the table.
This action is only available for a checked in structure.
Performs the same action as the toolbar button.
This action is only available for a checked in structure.
Set as Primary Information Structure
Defines the current information structure as the primary information structure for the product. A distinct icon indicates which structure has been selected as the primary information structure.
For more information, see Set as Primary Information Structure.
Save As Master Structure
Opens the Save As Master Structure window where you can copy only the structure (not the content) to use as a starting point for creating a new structure. For more information, see Saving a Service Structure as a Master Structure.
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