Publishing from a Service Structure
From a service structure, you can publish a representation. In publication structures, you can publish publication sections separately. Individual content topics can also be published separately. The representations can be saved in Windchill as standalone objects if the proper configuration is in place.
You can also publish output to be used by Arbortext Content Delivery. A service structure can be published from the top level of the structure to an output called a bundle, which then becomes part of a set of service information input files that Arbortext Content Delivery compiles into a service application.
For information on the service structures, refer to About Information Structures and About Publication Structures.
For information on using the Publish Representation window, refer to Publish Representation.
For information on publishing setup, refer to Service Publishing Setup, available from the Windchill Help Center or Configuring Windchill Service Information Manager and Windchill Service Parts (Конфигурирование Windchill Service Information Manager и Windchill Service Parts) available from the PTC Reference Documents site at
For information on deploying bundles for Arbortext Content Delivery, refer to the documentation included with Arbortext Content Delivery.
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