Step 7. Edit LogicalAttributesSite.xml - Required
Edit the LogicalAttributesSite.xml file to add Property subelements for each security label to the wt.access.SecurityLabeled Class element.
1. If it does not already exist at your site, create a LogicalAttributesSite.xml file in the following location:
where <Windchill> is the installed location of your Windchill solution.
The LogicalAttributesSite.xml file should contain the following:
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE LogicalAttributes SYSTEM "/com/ptc/core/meta/common/impl/
LogicalAttributes.dtd" >
<!-- Site specific logical attributes. -->
If a LogicalAttributesSite.xml file exists in the <Windchill>/codebase directory, copy the existing file to the following locations:
2. Open the <Windchill>/wtSafeArea/siteMod/codebase/LogicalAttributesSite.xml file in a text editor.
3. Add the Class element within the LogicalAttributes element.
<Class name="wt.access.SecurityLabeled">
4. Within the Class element,
add a Property subelement for ALL_SECURITY_LABELS, ALL_STANDARD_SECURITY_LABELS, ALL_CUSTOM_SECURITY_LABELS, and for each security label in the following format:
where SCA|<SECURITY_LABEL> matches the segment after the tilde (~) in the SecurityLabelResourceKey element value for the security label in the security labels configuration file. This value can only contain alphanumeric characters and the underscore character. While there is no requirement for the <SECURITY_LABEL> value in the LogicalForm to match the <SECURITY_LABEL> value in the ExternalForm, that is the convention used in this guide.
For example, after adding the lines necessary for each security label for the example configuration, the element appears as follows:
<Class name="wt.access.SecurityLabeled">
5. Save and close.
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