Initial Windchill Workgroup Manager Scenario
The Windchill Workgroup Manager application must first be installed on the same computer as the CAD application client. The client software is downloaded from the Windchill server. The first time you use Windchill Workgroup Manager after installation, you need to perform some basic configuration steps before you can start using it.
Register one or more CAD applications with Windchill Workgroup Manager.
Only one version of a CAD application can be registered at a time.
Register your Windchill server(s) with Windchill Workgroup Manager.
Access to the Server Management utility from the CAD application is only available after initiating a connected CAD application and Windchill Workgroup Manager session.
Create and select a workspace as your active workspace.
Set one of the registered Windchill servers as the primary server.
This basic configuration is discussed below.
1. Register servers. There are two ways to register a server.
From Windchill Workgroup Manager access the Server Management utility.
From your CAD application, access PTC Windchill > Server Management. For more information on registering servers, refer to “Registering a Server”.
At this point, the client and the server are available and you can configure communication between the CAD application and Windchill.
2. Set primary server . Before you can manage any CAD objects in Windchill, you need to designate one of your registered servers as primary. A primary server means that Windchill Workgroup Manager and the CAD application recognize and communicate with the Windchill server that is managing the CAD data. Use the following steps designate a primary server.
a. In Windchill Workgroup Manager, right-click the registered server node.
b. Select Set as Primary Server.
3. Select a workspace, right-click, and choose Activate. Select an area in Windchill to manage your working data. This working area is called a workspace. You can select a default workspace on Windchill, or create your own.
You may want to create several workspaces to manage the different projects you are currently working on.
This workspace is private to you and is used to interface with your CAD documents. When you work in this workspace, your CAD documents are not visible to others until they are checked in to a Windchill server. Once checked in to Windchill, these CAD documents are available to others. For more information on workspaces, refer to Using Windchill Workspaces.
4. Create data and save it to your workspace. Once registered with SOLIDWORKS, Windchill Workgroup Manager simultaneously starts when your authoring application starts. Create a part in the CAD application and save it to your workspace, which means that it is saved locally. When you are ready to share it with others, use Check In on the File menu. Your CAD data is then uploaded to the server and is made available to other Windchill users.
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