Managing Data Through the Workspace
Your data is managed through a workspace that is split between the client and the server. These workspace components are:
the Workspace Local Directory—a client-side cache for CAD files you are currently working on, or
Local Workspace (with the Windchill File System) exposes Windchill as part of the file system, enabling the CAD application to access files in Windchill as though they were in folders on the local file system.
The Server–side workspace—your private working area which is synchronized with the CAD files in the workspace local directory or the Windchill File System.
The workspace local directory is a cache area on the client computer through which the CAD application can access and modify your CAD data. When you have completed work on this data, but don't want it to be shared, you upload it to the server-side workspace located on the server. The server-side workspace is also a private area, and is accessible only to you. The server-side workspace is used to store your current work-in-progress, allowing you to save data from, and retrieve data to, your CAD applications. Once you are ready to share this data with others, you check it in to the commonspace also located on the Windchill server. The difference is that the commonspace is viewable to anyone who has access to it; typically your team members.
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