Using Dedicated Publish Queues
This section provides an overview of dedicated publish queues, how to set specific priorities in publish queues, and how to provide dedicated workers for dedicated publish queues.
When a WVS processing job is submitted – including Publish, Print, and Interference Detection jobs – it is placed in one of the High/Medium/Low priority queues, depending upon the settings in; upon the type of data being published; and where the request was initiated from. Job submissions also allow the API that submits a publish job to explicitly specify which of the High/Medium/Low queues the job is submitted to. There can potentially be multiple “sets” of WVS processing queues, which can be used independently. In addition, each set of queues is able to have its own set of dedicated workers.
* and files are available in <Windchill>/codebase/WEB-INF/conf directory.
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