Save As
The following table describes the preferences for the Save As category that are not included in a Save As subcategory:
Allow Replace
No (default)
Controls the availability of the "Replace" button in the Save As UI. The "Replace" button allows a user to perform a global replace of one object in the structure with a different object in the commonspace. The default is "No" (replacement is not allowed), and it is strongly recommended to use the default setting. Replace is only possible for Creo Parametric CAD documents, and this control is not the same as replacing the component in Creo Parametric. It does not guarantee retrieval of the assembly with the replaced component.
Inherit FileName from Name
No (default)
Controls how the file name is assigned by default for a new CAD document using the Save As command in the workspace and commonspace. When set to "Yes", the new file name is set to the same value as the new CAD document name plus an appropriate extension. When set to "No" (default), preferences for CAD Document Filename Prefix and CAD Document Filename Suffix is applied to the original file name to produce a new name.
Inherit FileName from Number
No (default)
Controls how the file name is assigned by default for a new CAD document using the Save As command in the workspace and commonspace. Possible values are "Yes" or "No" (default) . When set to "Yes", the new filename is set to the same as value as the new CAD document number plus an appropriate extension. When set to "No", the new filename is set based on changing the original filename using the CAD Document Filename Prefix and CAD Document Filename Suffix preferences.
Save Selected Objects Only
No (default)
If set to "Yes," only selected objects are marked for Save As and dependent objects are marked for reuse. The default setting is "No." By default selected and dependent objects are all eligible for Save As.
The following table lists the preferences that control the default collection of related objects during Commonspace Save As (subcategory: From Commonspace Collector):
Display collected objects
As a List
As a Structure
As a Structure with Associated Objects
Allow specification of the way collected objects are listed in the table. Each display allows viewing how objects have been collected by displaying the different association in a specific way. Default is "As a list".
Include dependent CAD / Dynamic documents
Required (default)
Specifies which dependent CAD / Dynamic Documents for the collected CAD /Dynamic Documents are by default added to the collection
Include dependent Parts
None (default)
Specifies which dependent parts for the collected parts are by default added to the collection.
Include related CAD Documents
Initially Selected Only
None (default)
Specifies which CAD Documents associated to the collected parts are by default added to the collection.
Include related Drawings
Initially Selected Only
None (default)
Specifies which drawings associated to the collected CAD documents or parts are by default added to the collection.
Include related Family table objects
Initially Selected Only
None (default)
Specifies which family table objects related to the collected generic or instances are by default added to the collection.
Include related Generics
Initially Selected Only
None (default)
Specifies which generics associated to the collected instances are by default added to the collection.
Include related Image objects
Initially Selected Only
None (default)
Specifies which image objects related to the collected source documents are by default added to the collection.
Include related Notes
None (default)
Specifies which notes associated to the collected parts are by default added to the collection.
Include related Parts
Initially Selected Only
None (default)
Specifies which parts associated to the collected documents, CAD documents, or dynamic documents are by default added to the collection.
Include related Source objects
Initially Selected Only
None (default)
Specifies which source objects related to the collected representation documents are by default added to the collection.
The following table lists preferences that control the default collection of related objects during Workspace Save As (subcategory: From Workspace Collector):
Display collected objects
As a List
As a Structure
As a Structure with Associated Objects
Allow specification of the way collected objects are listed in the table. Each display allows viewing how objects have been collected by displaying the different association in a specific way. Default is "As a list".
Include dependent CAD / Dynamic documents
Required (default)
Specifies which dependent CAD / Dynamic Documents for the collected CAD /Dynamic Documents are by default added to the collection
Include dependent Parts
None (default)
Specifies which dependent parts for the collected parts are by default added to the collection.
Include related CAD Documents
Initially Selected Only
None (default)
Specifies which CAD Documents associated to the collected parts are by default added to the collection.
Include related Drawings
Initially Selected Only
None (default)
Specifies which drawings associated to the collected CAD documents or parts are by default added to the collection.
Include related Family table objects
Initially Selected Only
None (default)
Specifies which family table objects related to the collected generic or instances are by default added to the collection.
Include related Generics
Initially Selected Only
None (default)
Specifies which generics associated to the collected instances are by default added to the collection.
Include related Image objects
Initially Selected Only
None (default)
Specifies which image objects related to the collected source documents are by default added to the collection.
Include related Notes
None (default)
Specifies which notes associated to the collected parts are by default added to the collection.
Include related Parts
Initially Selected Only
None (default)
Specifies which parts associated to the collected documents, CAD documents, or dynamic documents are by default added to the collection.
Include related Source objects
Initially Selected Only
None (default)
Specifies which source objects related to the collected representation documents are by default added to the collection.
The following table lists preferences for the Naming Patterns subcategory of the Save as preferences:
CAD Document Filename Prefix
<naming pattern>
*.* (default)
Specifies a pattern for filename prefix change during Save As action. Use characters and wildcard (*) to set the pattern for the new value. The default is *.*
CAD Document Filename Suffix
<naming pattern>
*_.* (default)
Specifies a pattern for filename suffix change during Save As action. Use characters and wildcard (*) to set the pattern for the new value. The default is *_.*
CAD Document Name Prefix
<naming pattern>
*.* (default)
Specifies a pattern for CAD document name prefix change during Save As action. Use characters and wildcard (*) to set the pattern for the new value. The default is *.*
CAD Document Name Suffix
<naming pattern>
*_.* (default)
Specifies a pattern for CAD document name suffix change during Save As action. Use characters and wildcard (*) to set the pattern for the new value. The default is *_.*
CAD Document Number Prefix
<naming pattern>
*.* (default)
Specifies a pattern for CAD document number prefix change during Save As action. Use characters and wildcard (*) to set the pattern for the new value. The default is *.*
CAD Document Number Suffix
<naming pattern>
*_.* (default)
Specifies a pattern for CAD document number suffix change during Save As action. Use characters and wildcard (*) to set the pattern for the new value. The default is *_.*
Part Name Prefix
<naming pattern>
*.* (default)
Specifies a pattern for part name prefix change during Save As action. Use characters and wildcard (*) to set the pattern for the new value. The default is *.*
Part Name Suffix
<naming pattern>
*_.* (default)
Specifies a pattern for part name suffix change during Save As action. Use characters and wildcard (*) to set the pattern for the new value. The default is *_.*
Part Number Prefix
<naming pattern>
*.* (default)
Specifies a pattern for part number prefix change during Save As action. Use characters and wildcard (*) to set the pattern for the new value. The default is *.*
Part Number Suffix
<naming pattern>
*_.* (default)
Specifies a pattern for part number suffix change during Save As action. Use characters and wildcard (*) to set the pattern for the new value. The default is *_.*
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