Cache Compatibility
All Creo Parametric versions, maintenance releases, and supporting libraries used, are intended to be compatible with client cache created or modified in a narrow range of specific date codes. The following information outlines the general support policy regarding what is and is not supported when upgrading, downgrading, or accessing client cache with a different build of Creo Parametric or Windchill solution than what was used to initially create or last access the cache.
If a particular version and maintenance release of Creo Parametric is used to access client cache which is outside of what is listed as supported later in this topic, there is a risk that Creo Parametric may behave unexpectedly (that is, exit prematurely, not show local modifications to models, and so on).
The specifics of intended compatibility are as follows:
Forward compatibility of one maintenance release is officially certified and supported (for example, upgrading from Wildfire 3.0 M160 to 3.0 M170). Forward compatibility of more than one maintenance release (for example, from Wildfire 3.0 M150 to 3.0 M170) is expected to work but is NOT supported.
Backward compatibility from one maintenance release to the previous maintenance release (that is, downgrading or accessing cache created or modified with Wildfire 3.0 M170 with 3.0 M160) is certified and supported. Backward compatibility of more than one maintenance release is NOT supported but expected to work.
See regarding cache file format changes in Wildfire 4.0 M060. Backward compatibility of one maintenance release from 2008 file format caches to a non-2008 file format cache is NOT supported.
Upgrade of client cache from one version to another (that is, from Wildfire 3.0 M170 to 4.0 M040) is expected to work but is NOT supported.
Access of client cache created in combination with a Windchill solution release and then upgrade of the Windchill solution to another version (for example, upgrade of Windchill PDMLink 7.0 to 8.0) is NOT supported.
Access of client cache created in combination with a Windchill solution maintenance release and then upgraded to a later maintenance release (for example, upgrade of Windchill PDMLink 8.0 M040 to 8.0 M050) is expected to work but is NOT supported.
Prior to changing your Creo Parametric or Windchill solution maintenance release or version, upload or check in all new or modified objects in all workspaces, and shut down Creo Parametric. After the upgrade, if there are problems with Creo Parametric accessing or using the client cache, simply re-initialize the cache, as all modifications made to objects are available from the server.
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