Undocking the Embedded Browser Window
Out of the box, Creo Parametric is enabled with an embedded browser window that is interactive with your Creo Parametric session. To enable you to better take advantage of a multiple display workstation, you can undock the interactive browser from the Creo Parametric user interface and drag it to a second display device while still maintaining the interactive nature of the browser. Other than its display location, the function of the undocked (unembedded) browser is identical to the function of the embedded browser when docked.
It is important not to confuse the term ‘unembedded browser’ with ‘standalone browser.’ The former term refers to a browser capable of full interaction with your Creo Parametric session (exactly like the embedded browser). The term ‘standalone browser’ continues to refer to a browser window that is independent of your Creo Parametric session, and which is capable only of viewing Windchill server information.
The undocking of the browser is set by a config.pro option that specifies whether the browser remains docked or undocked for the entire session.
To undock the embedded browser::
1. At the start of your Creo Parametric session, set the config.pro option web_browser_in_separate_window to Yes (a No value leaves the browser embedded).
2. Having configured the unembedded browser, you can drag it to another display.
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