Heterogeneous Design Using Creo Unite
Using Creo Unite, Creo applications are able to open CAD models in the formats of supported third-party CAD applications and use them in a Creo assembly (without creating additional objects, for example, TIMs).When opened from Windchill into Creo, the CAD files are converted from theirnative format into a Creo model, but the native file information is unchanged. Assembly information and modifications made in the Creo assembly are stored separately, in a wrapper, leaving the third-party file information unchanged.
With Creo Unite, the following use cases are supported.
Creating a Creo assembly and assembling a third-party component (retrieved from Windchill) into it
Modifying an assembly without modifying the third-party component
Updating the assembly when the third-party component has been updated in Windchill
Modifying a third-party component in the assembly context.
When a third-party model is modified in a Creo assembly and checked in, those modifications are seen only when the file is opened in Creo. That is because the modifications are stored in a file wrapper that is only visible to Creo, leaving the original third party file content unchanged. If opened into the native CAD application, the modifications are not visible.
A Creo Unite assembly can be imported into an active workspace.
Non-Creo components are imported as “ghost” (incomplete dependent) objects (which can be resolved later).
For more information on Creo Unite, see Creo Parametric online help.
Creo Unite Functionality
As Creo Unite is further developed, enhancements to current functionality are being implemented.
For the latest updates on functionality, please see TS KnowledgeBase Article CS188975.
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