Updating Attribute Values in Creo Parametric and Windchill
If you have an owner-associated CAD document and part, with the same attribute assigned to both, there can be differences in how the attribute value is updated, depending on the application from which the modification of the value is made.
If you have a checked-in part with a unique value for the attribute, and you subsequently check out the CAD document, modify (in Creo Parametric) the parameter that drives the attribute, and execute auto-checkin, the part’s attribute value is modified to match the CAD document's parameter value.
However, the opposite is not true. If you check out a part to the workspace and modify its attribute value using the Edit Attributes page, and then check it back in, the value of the CAD document’s attribute (the CAD document is never checked out) is not updated to reflect the part attribute’s new value.
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