Advanced Classification Search
Use the Windchill Advanced Search page to search for classification objects using node and attribute values.
For more information on using the Advanced Search page, see Advanced Search.
For example purpose, we have taken a part type object:
1. Under Type, select any object type or subtype that is compatible with Windchill PartsLink classification.
The Classification field is only visible when classification objects are selected under Type. If your search includes ineligible object types, the Classification field is hidden.
A drop-down menu appears if your site has more than one binding attribute defined. For more information, see Classification Binding Attributes.
2. Use the Classification field to specify one or more classification nodes:
Click the find icon to open the Select Classification window. From here, you can navigate the classification hierarchy tree to select a node:
Place your cursor in the value field and begin typing to search by node name or keyword. You must enter at least three characters before results appear:
3. Click the find icon to search for the classification nodes. The Index search server suggests a list of classification nodes.
If the Index search server is down, it does not provide any suggestions. Contact your administrator to make the Index search server available and retry the action when the server is running.
4. Click the add icon to add another node name field. Click the clear icon to clear the previous value.
5. When a node is specified under Classification, the Criteria options update to include corresponding classification attributes:
For information on specifying attribute values and using nested attribute queries, see Criteria.
When searching for Real Number with Units values, you can enter a custom unit type and it is automatically converted to the base unit.
When performed from the Advanced Search page, classification searches work the same as any other advanced search. You can combine classification searches with other advanced search capabilities.
Use the Related Object Search to narrow your results based on object relationships: Related Object Search
Create saved searches that include classification attributes, and share these searches with other users: Saved Searches
Use wildcards to broaden your searches: Search Wildcards
Perform indexed searches using the Keyword field: Keyword Search Rules
Your results appear in the Search Results table. From here you can create custom table views, filter results by attribute value, and perform other actions. For more information, see Classification Search Results.
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