Gathering Common Attributes
The Gather common attributes action enables you to gather common attributes from child nodes and bring them into the parent node.
All attributes on child nodes must have the same attribute definition with constraints and default values for the Gather common attributes action to complete successfully.
To gather common attributes from child nodes:
1. From the information page of a node, on the Attributes tab, select Edit from the Actions menu to enter the edit mode.
2. In the
Attributes table, click the gather common attributes icon
A message is presented to confirm that you want to move all attributes specifically applied on the sub nodes under the selected node.
3. Click OK to add all common attributes associated with the child nodes within the selected parent node to the Attributes table.
Click Cancel to cancel the action.
If you clicked OK, common attributes available on all child nodes are added to the parent node. After the action has completes, a message indicates the success of the operation, and the number of attributes that where moved to the parent node.
| Any child node beneath the selected parent node automatically inherits the attributes associated with the parent. It is recommended to verify that the attributes are displayed as Inherited on every child node under the selected parent. |