Export a Classification Structure
You can export the classification structure using Actions > Export available from the Classification Tree table. You can export to either a CSV or XML file.
Export to CSV
This action exports the classification structure to a CSV file. Once the export is complete, a window appears asking you to either save or open the file.
The wt.csm.exportInternalNames property enables you to configures whether the internal name of nodes and attributes appear in the CSV file. If this property is set to true, the internal name of the classification node and attributes are exported to a CSV file.
By default, this property is set to false.
Export to XML
This action exports the classification structure to an XML file, along with image and schematic files. Once the export is complete, the XML files are packaged in a ZIP file. A window appears and you can either open or save the ZIP file.
You must be a site administrator to export a classification structure to an importable format (XML).
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