Replication Scheduler
Replication Scheduler enables you to the manage replication rules and creating replication schedules processes. You can choose to view replication schedules or replication jobs in the table.
A replication schedule is a time-based execution plan for running replication jobs. A replication job is run according to the associated replication rules and the replication schedule.
From the Content Replication Schedules window, you can manage replication schedules and replication rules. Use the View menu if you want to view only the latest schedules or jobs, and to return to viewing all schedules or jobs. Use the down arrow available on the right side of a row to delete, edit, or disable a replication schedule.
The following icons are available:
Deletes the schedules or jobs whose checkbox you selected.
Updates the page with the latest information.
Opens the Content Replication Rules page, where you can manage replication rules.
Opens the Content Replication Jobs window, where you can view replication job information.
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