Creating a Remote Vault
You create host, vaults or replica vaults, and folders or replica folders for replication. You must create a host first, then a vault, and then folders.
A vault is a logical container for folders, each of which represents a storage location on a host machine. A remote vault is a vault on a File Server rather than main site
Creating a cache vault on the File Server site is recommended because remote users can upload content to this vault much faster. However, the existence of a cache vault on a Windchill File Server is not a necessity for replicating contents to that site.
You create a remote vault from the Vault Configuration window. To access this window, click Utilities > File Server Administration > Vault Configuration, available from Products , Libraries , and Site .
To create a remote vault:
1. Select File > New > Vault. The New Vault window opens.
2. Enter the following information:
Select a site from this list.
Enter a vault name. The name you specify must be unique among the vaults defined for all sites. The name should contain only letters, numbers, hyphen, and underscores.
Vault type
Select one of the following:
Main Vault—Stores (revaulted) mastered copies of content files.
Replica vault—Stores replicated content files.
Cache vault—Stores uploaded files until they are revaulted to their permanent storage locations. If you select this vault type, the vault is used as the local cache vault for the site. Only one cache vault is allowed for each site.
All vault types are supported on both main sites and File Server sites.
Vaults are enabled by default at creation.
Default system target (for a main vault) or Default target for site (for a replica or cache vault)
You can select this checkbox, but you cannot directly clear it. Because there must always be a default target for the site (replica or cache vault) or default system target (main vault), the checkbox is cleared automatically when you designate another vault as the default target.
Every site must have one vault that is its default target.
Only main site can have default system target vault.
When a main vault is designated as the default system target, and when the wt.fv.useVaultsForAllContent property is true, the vault becomes the destination for revaulting operations for content not covered by revaulting rules.
When a replica or cache vault is designated as the default target for a site, it becomes the target of replication operations when the target vault has not been explicitly specified.
Read only
Do not select this checkbox. If you do, the vault is not available for storing uploaded or replicated content files.
Automatic folder creation
When this checkbox is selected, a folder is automatically created when an existing folder reaches its capacity (number of files). This checkbox is selected by default.
For this option to work, you must have manually created and mounted a root folder.
Automatic cleanup of older content
This option is available only for replica and cache vaults.
When this checkbox is selected, automatic cleanups are performed on this vault according to the rules and schedule that are specified in the Automated cleanup of replica vaults window.
3. Click OK.
You can create only one cache vault per Windchill File Server for replication.
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