About Ad Hoc Caching
Ad hoc caching means that content is copied to a local Windchill File Server or main site when the content is not available on the user's preferred File Server. Whether a user is at a File Server site or the main site, a copy of the content is downloaded to the local server.
If a user attempts to download content from a local File Server (or main site) and it does not exist there, the content is downloaded from the nearest proximity File Server or main site that has the content and then stored on the local File Server (or main site). The next time any user downloads the same content, it is directly delivered from the local File Server (or main site).
When ad hoc caching is enabled, predictive caching rules and schedules are created.
Ad hoc caching is controlled by the wt.fv.master.adhocCaching.flag property as follows:
If the value is 0, no ad hoc caching is performed.
If the value is 1, ad hoc caching is performed only if a ReplicationRule is already defined and the ad hoc-downloaded content is stored according to the rule.
If the value is 2, ad hoc caching is always performed. If a rule is defined, the content is stored according to the rule. If a rule is not defined, the content is stored in the vault that is the default target for the site.
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