Creating Reusable Attributes
When the Type and Attribute Management utility is launched in the context of an organization, any reusable attributes that you create in the Manage Reusable Attributes window are associated only with that organization and remain private to that organization. When working with multiple organization contexts, it is important to understand the relationship between the site and organization contexts in regard to types and attributes. For more information, see About Multiple Organization Contexts.
To create a new reusable attribute, use the following procedure:
1. Open the New Reusable Attribute window by selecting New Reusable Attribute from the Actions menu of an attribute organizer information page, or from the right-click actions menu for an attribute organizer in the navigation pane. The reusable attribute is created as a child of the organizer from which the create action was launched.
2. Enter the following information for the reusable attribute:
Internal Name—(Required) The internal name for the reusable attribute. Only alphanumeric characters, underscores ( _ ), and periods ( . ) are allowed in the Internal Name. The Internal Name field can be no more than 200 characters long. The internal name for a reusable attribute must be unique within the system.
Windchill provides a suggested prefix for the internal name. The suggested prefix is the reverse internet domain for the organization owning the context, based on the context from which the Type and Attribute Management utility was launched. For example, for an organization with the internet domain,, the suggested prefix is com.acme.
The portion of the name after the reverse internet domain name prefix cannot contain any lower case characters if it must be communicated with a designated parameter in Creo Parametric or another CAD application. For example, if there is a Creo Parametric parameter called COST (allCreo Parametric parameters are upper case characters) and it is intended to be communicated, or mapped to a CAD parameter, the attribute name must be COST for this attribute to be bi-directionally communicated between the CAD Document and the Creo Parametric file. If the name is spelled Cost, cost, or coSt, they are considered to be different. When the Windchill attribute is named identically (all upper case characters) to a Creo Parametric or other CAD application parameter, it is referred to as implicit mapping.
Data Type—(Required) The data type determines the values that the attribute can contain when a global attribute referencing this reusable attribute is added to a type. For more information, see Supported Data Types.
As only organizations are supported as a reference class for reusable attributes, Organization Reference is offered as the reference data type.
Display Name—(Optional)The name for the reusable attribute as it displays in the navigation pane tree structure. If the display name is not specified, the Internal Name value is used as the display name.
Logical Identifier—(Optional) A name to identify the attribute in external configuration and property files. It is often the same as the Internal Name and must be unique across all attributes in the system. Only letters, numbers, underscores ( _ ), and periods ( . ) are allowed in the Logical Identifier.
Description—(Optional) A description of the reusable attribute. If a description is not entered, the Internal Name value is used as the description.
Quantity of Measure—(Real Number with Units data type only) (Required) Select the quantity of measure for the reusable attribute.
3. Click OK to create the reusable attribute. The information page for the reusable attribute displays in edit mode.
Click Apply to create the reusable attribute, and refresh the New Reusable Attribute window to create another reusable attribute.
When the reusable attribute is created, the information page for the reusable attribute displays in edit mode. Clicking Cancel to exit edit mode does not undo the creation of the reusable attribute . To remove a reusable attribute , use the Delete action.
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