Creating Quantities of Measure
Use the following procedure to create a new quantity of measure:
1. Right-click on Manage Quantity of Measures in the navigation pane on the left of the Type and Attribute Management utility, and select New Quantity of Measure .
2. In the New Quantity of Measure window, type a unique Name for the new quantity of measure and enter any supported unit string in the Unit field to define the new quantity of measure.
The Unit field can be left blank if the quantity of measure is unitless. If you leave the Unit field blank, you are asked to confirm your choice. If the unit entered is not a unit recognized by the system, that unit is used as the Default value for every measurement system. Both the Name and Unit values can contain no more than 50 characters. The Unit value cannot contain any spaces.
The unrecognized portion will not be automatically converted to the equivalent Default value units when the quantity of measure is used elsewhere in the Windchill system.
3. Click OK to create the new quantity of measure. The information page for the newly created measurement system is displayed in edit mode.
Click Apply to create the quantity of measure, and keep the New Quantity of Measure window open to create another quantity of measure.
When you create a new quantity of measure and enter a unit, you may not see this unit anywhere in the Display Units table on the quantity of measure information page. The unit you entered is converted to the equivalent Default value, based on each measurement system. If you want to use a different display unit, use the override function on the information page for the quantity of measure.
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