Basic Administration > Managing User Participation > Teams > About Shared Teams > Use of the Shared Team Manager Role in Context Teams
Use of the Shared Team Manager Role in Context Teams
When an application context is created, you can choose to include a shared team and, if you do include a shared team, the Shared Team Manager role has special significance in the context team. By default, the members in the Shared Team Manager role are granted the Full Control (All) permission for all objects in all states in the context in which the shared team is used.
Local teams use the associated context team manager role (such as the Project Manager role or the Product Manager role) for members who then manage the context. If the shared team can be extended locally, the local team always has an associated context team manager role. For example, the Members table for a project context with a local team has the Project Manager role and this role defines who manages the context. The system group for the Shared Team Manager role is added as a member of the context team manager system group that is created. This means that the members in the Shared Team Manager role inherit the access control rules set for the context team manager even though they are maintained separately in the Members table for the context team.
If there is no local team (meaning that the shared team selected was not extended locally when the context was created), then there also is no local context team manager. For example, the Members table for a project context with no local team does not have Project Manager role. Therefore, the members in the Shared Team Manager role are, by default, the members who manage the context.
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