Team Member Details
The team member details page is accessible by clicking the view information icon from the Members table for a particular context. The page displays details about an individual team member. The top of the page displays the identity of the user, including a status icon indicating if the user is deleted, pending, replicated, or disconnected from the directory server.
How these details are presented can be changed by editing the User unique identifier display format preference under the Display category. This preference is available from the Site > Utilities > Preference Management page.
The following table lists and describes the fields displayed on this page:
Field Name
User Name
Specifies the name of a team member that a user enters when logging in to the system, when being added to a user-defined group, when displayed in auditing events, and so on.
Full Name
Specifies the full name of the team member.
Specifies the email address of the team member.
Click the email icon to email the team member using your installed mail client, such as Microsoft Outlook.
This field does not appear for deleted users.
Postal Address
Specifies the address of the team member. This can be an office address or personal address.
Telephone Number
Specifies the telephone number of the team member.
Specifies the organization to which the team member belongs.
Specifies the current status of the team member. Possible values include Deleted, Disconnected from directory service, Pending, or Replicated. For more information, see Windchill Participant Status.
Some actions may be available from the member details page, depending on the type of participant and your role in the team.
If you are an administrator, you can edit a user or group that is a member of the team. For more information, see Editing a User and Editing Groups.
If your administrator has enabled the interface for changing user passwords (by setting the property value to true), the Edit Password option is available for users that are members of the team. If you have the required permissions, you can change the password for the team member by selecting this option and filling in the required password information.
For information on configuring password management, see User Password Management Options in the Password Management help.
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