Sending Previously Collected Information
Use the steps provided in this topic after you have collected site information as described in Collecting System Configuration Information and have optionally made any changes to the information saved.
You can collect site information multiple times before sending the information. The newly collected information always resides in its own set of directories that are named using the timestamp of the collection. Existing files are never overwritten or removed during the collection process. Additionally, you can manually add files or remove files from the directory you select for sending information. All files present in the selected directory at the time you execute the send operation are sent.
From Site > Utilities, you can send site information to PTC Technical Support by completing the following steps:
1. Click the System Configuration Collector link.
2. Select the Send Saved System Information tab.
3. Select the directory that contains the gathered information from the directory drop-down list.
The directories displayed in the list include all of the current directories that are in <Windchill>/utilities/SystemConfigurationCollector/saved/, where <Windchill> is the Windchill installation directory path.
4. Enter the call number provided by the technical support engineer who is working with you and optionally enter a description of what you are sending.
The call number labels the files that are uploaded to PTC so that they can be accessed by the engineer you are working with.
5. Click Send to PTC Technical Support.
A Collection Status window opens. As information is sent, the window updates with status messages that describe the progress. For details on the window contents, see Collection Status Window Details.
The sent information is tagged with the call number so the technical support engineer can easily find all of the information you send that is related to a call.
After sending the collected information, you can view the details of your call or contact the technical support engineer to verify that the information was received. Work with the technical support engineer to determine what the next steps are to resolve the issue.
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