Managing the System Configuration Collector Directory
On the System Configuration Collector page, a line similar to the following displays at the bottom of the page:
Current size of the System Configuration Collector directory: 86 MB
The number of megabytes listed (in this case, 86) identifies the size of the System Configuration Collector directory on the Windchill server. The size of the directory is influenced by the following:
Each time you collect and save information using the System Configuration Collector, the files collected are stored under this directory in the saved directory.
When you send the information using the System Configuration Collector, the saved information is packaged into ZIP files and sent. Then the files in the saved directory are deleted. By default, a copy of the sent files is stored locally in the sent directory under the System Configuration Collector directory.
You can change where copies of sent files are stored and whether the copies are stored locally by setting Windchill properties. See Options for Where System Information Is Sent.
If you modify the contents of files that are collected to remove private company information, you can change the size of the files.
The actual System Configuration Collector directory is <Windchill>/utilities/SystemConfigurationCollector, where <Windchill> is the Windchill installation directory path.
Include managing the size of the System Configuration Collector directory in your weekly or monthly maintenance activities, depending on how active your usage of the System Configuration Collector is. PTC recommends that you keep a copy of the collected files until you have resolved the issue that initially prompted you to collect information. After the issue is resolved, clean up your directories and delete related files.
Since some of the files collected can be very large, ensure that there is enough storage space available before collecting information. If the storage space is full, messages in the Collection Status window identify the space problem and not all data collected is saved.
If you are working in a clustered environment, the number of megabytes shown on the System Configuration Collector page reflects only the size of the directory on the machine that processes the System Configuration Collector page requests. To check the size of the directories on other nodes, navigate to each directory on the machines where the nodes reside and check the directory size.
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