Assigning a Sourcing Status to a Rule
When you create a rule, you must specify the set of sourcing status assignments to classification nodes that are set by this rule.
To specify the sourcing status assignments:
1. Click the new sourcing status assignment icon

on the
New Sourcing Rule window. The
New Sourcing Status Assignment window opens.
2. Select the sourcing status value from the drop-down list.
3. If Windchill PartsLink is installed, you can select from the classification options. Specify whether classification is considered in sourcing status assignments:
◦ To consider classification in the sourcing status assignment, enter the classification node name or click FIND to search a classification node to which the rules are to be applied. ClickOKto return to theNew Sourcing Rulewindow. The classification node is displayed under the Classification column of the New Sourcing Rule window.
◦ To disregard classification in the sourcing status assignment, do not enter data in the Classification field. Click OK to return to theNew Sourcing Rulewindow. For this rule, Any Classification is displayed in the Classification column of the New Sourcing Rule window for that sourcing status assignment. In this case,
▪ Classification is not considered for this assignment, regardless of whether the part is classified or not.
▪ The status assignments with lower priorities are ignored.
4. Repeat the previous steps to add assignments for other classification nodes.
| If Windchill PartsLink is not installed, you can only specify one assignment for a rule. |
5. Click OK to save the assignments and close the New Sourcing Status Assignment window.
| If a higher-level node is chosen by an assignment and that assignment has a higher priority than another assignment for which a lower-level node is selected, only the higher-level and higher-priority assignment is used. For example, if a node “Mechanical Parts” includes a node “Engine”, and an assignment with the priority 0 points to Mechanical Parts, while another assignment with priority 1 points to the Engine node (a child of Mechanical Parts), then only the first assignment is used when rules are applied to parts. |