Sourcing Contexts
The sourcing context allows you to create an AML or AVL for a specific set of conditions. For example, you could create one for a geographical location of a production facility or for a particular product line within a product family. The Sourcing Administrator can define sourcing contexts for your organization.
To manage sourcing contexts, click in the Navigator, and then select Contexts. The Sourcing Context List table shows the sourcing contexts defined for your organization. From this page, you can perform the following actions:
Create new contexts using
Delete any existing souring contexts using
View the information page for the sourcing context using
Edit the sourcing context using a right-click (row-level) action
Consider this information about the sourcing contexts:
The default context exists out-of-the-box, although it is not listed in the Sourcing Context List table.
The default context cannot be deleted.
You can define an additional context, as needed. However, if you have not specified another context, the default context is assumed by the system.
If desired, you can specify additional subtypes and attributes for the sourcing context type.
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