Fundamentals > Windchill Search > Search Reference
Search Reference
The following topics provide additional definitions and descriptions of the rules and options governing Windchill search behavior.
You can customize some Windchill search behavior using the Preference Management utility.
A detailed list of the rules applied when performing keyword searches. The rules are different depending on whether you use Windchill Index Search.
The Advanced Search page fields are joined using AND or OR operators.
If you are uncertain about the exact value you are searching for, you can use wildcards to supplement one or more characters in your search criteria.
If you are using Windchill Index Search, then some characters are ignored when performing a keyword search.
Advanced mode searches use Solr commands and are not preprocessed by Windchill. This functionality is only available if you have Windchill Index Search installed and enabled, and your Search Mode preference is set to Advanced.
A unique selection of operators is available when completing Related Object Search fields.
When you perform an advanced search with values entered into numeric criteria fields, your search returns a small range of results rather than your precise input.
This topic builds on the information discussed in Search Range for Numbers. If you or another user are entering Real Number with Unit attribute values using different units than the base units, your search range will be affected.
If your system indexes XML documents, there is a unique keyword format you can use to enhance searches against the XML document content.
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