Fundamentals > Windchill Search > Advanced Search Examples > Non-Latest Iterations Using Multiple Criteria
Non-Latest Iterations Using Multiple Criteria
See Advanced Search Examples for an explanation of the formatting used in the tables.
The functionality of the Keyword field is dramatically different depending on whether you are performing an indexed search or a non-indexed search. For more information, see Keyword Search Rules.
One of those differences is how searches for non-latest iterations are performed. You can search for non-latest iterations using the Iteration field under Criteria:
When you perform a non-indexed keyword search, the search results are filtered using all specified criteria, including iteration.
When you perform an indexed keyword search that includes non-latest iterations, essentially two searches are performed:
1. The first search filters results according to the specified criteria, but ignores the Iteration field.
2. A second search is performed against the results from the first search, but this search exclusively applies the Iteration field criteria. Any additional attribute criteria is ignored.
For most indexed searches that specify a non-latest iteration, these results are accurate and expected. For more information, see Search Using Revision and Iteration Criteria.
However, if you are including multiple attribute criteria, your search results might not be fully consistent with what you expect.
If you have Windchill Index Search installed and enabled, but you would like your results to be consistent with the non-indexed examples below, then you can perform a database search instead.
Simply leave the Keyword field blank and enter all your search terms into the attribute fields under Criteria (for example, use the Name field if your keyword is part of the object name).
Note that text strings entered into attribute fields must be exact matches or include wildcards. You also cannot search for data within primary file content when performing a database search. For more information, see Keyword Search Rules.
Example: All Iterations
In this example, you perform a keyword search to find all iterations of parts that are in the Released state and were last modified by Jane Smith:
State: Released
Modified By: Jane Smith
Iteration: All
Search Results: Non-Indexed Search
If you are not using indexing, the following results are returned:
Search Results: Indexed Search
If you have Windchill Index Search installed and enabled, the search results are from a combination of two searches.
1. The initial keyword search ignores the Iteration field and applies the remaining search parameters to the latest versions of every object:
State: Released
Modified By: Jane Smith
2. The following objects are returned, and will provide the data for the next phase of the search:
3. Windchill performs a second, separate database search. This search applies only the Iteration criteria, and is restricted to the results from the first phase of the search.
Iteration: All
4. The following objects are returned:
As this example illustrates, the final search results do not consistently match the Modified By and State search parameters. Furthermore, part “Gear 43” version A.1 is not included in the final results, even though it fulfills all the original search parameters.
Example: Specific Iteration
In this example, you use the same parameters, but narrow your results to a specific iteration:
State: Released
Modified By: Jane Smith
Iteration: 1
Search Results: Non-Indexed Search
If you are not using indexing, the following results are returned:
Search Results: Indexed Search
If you have Windchill Index Search installed and enabled, the search results are from a combination of two searches.
1. The initial keyword search ignores the Iteration field and applies the remaining search parameters to the latest versions of every object:
State: Released
Modified By: Jane Smith
2. The following objects are returned, and will provide the data for the next phase of the search:
3. Windchill performs a second, separate database search. This search applies only the Iteration criteria, and is restricted to the results from the first phase of the search:
Iteration: 1
4. The following objects are returned:
The results include one match that fulfills all the initial search criteria. However, as “Gear Shaft” demonstrates, these results disregard the Modified By and State search parameters in order to fulfill the secondary database search (for iteration 1).
As in the previous example, “Gear 43” version A.1 is excluded even though it fulfills the initial search criteria.
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