Specialized Administration > Info*Engine Administration > SAP Adapter Configuration Entry
SAP Adapter Configuration Entry
Adapter properties are maintained as attributes in Info*Engine adapter configuration entries. Use the Info*Engine Administration utility to add or modify existing adapter entries. You can access the property administration utility by navigating to Site > Utilities and clicking Info*Engine Administration. For more information, see the following topics:
Running the adapter installer creates the SapAdapter.ldif file under the specified installation location. When imported into the Property Administration utility, this file provides the form you use to create the SAP adapter configuration entry.
Before you can configure the SAP adapter properties, you might need to import the form:
1. Locate the SAPAdapter.jar file in the lib directory where the adapter is installed. For example:
2. Copy the SAPAdapter.jar file to the <Windchill>/codebase/WEB-INF/lib subdirectory.
Where <Windchill> is the directory where Info*Engine is installed.
3. Open the Info*Engine Property Administration utility and click [Import/Export].
4. Select Overwrite leaf entries if they exist.
5. Browse to the SapAdapter.ldif file at the following location on the CD:
6. Click OK to import the form.
This overwrites any existing SAP adapter form and returns you to the main page.
7. To see the imported form, you must restart your servlet engine:
a. Close the Info*Engine Property Administration utility.
b. Restart your servlet engine.
c. Launch the Info*Engine Property Administration utility.
The imported form appears in the Create Entry drop-down menu.
For more information, see Creating JSON Entries
To create a new SAP adapter configuration entry:
1. From the Create Entry menu, select SAP Adapter.
A property editor window opens.
2. Enter appropriate values in the fields provided. Fields with an asterisk (*) are required. For more information, see SAP Adapter Properties.
3. When you are finished, click Create Adapter.
Once created, you can later add and modify the adapter properties.
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