Reports Table
The Reports table lists the reports available for use in the current context, including the predefined reports that were installed with your Windchill solution, and any custom reports created at your site. A report can be created at the site or organization level, and made available for use in ‘lower’ contexts, such as projects, products, or from the individual user’s Home page. If a report is made available in more than one context, then the report output may differ, depending on the context from which the report is run.
The Reports table is available from multiple locations within Windchill, including Products , Projects , Programs , Changes , Libraries , Organizations , Site , and Home .
To view the Reports table from your Home page, select Reports from the Customize menu.
The predefined reports are grouped into folders by functional area. Expand a folder to view the reports within. For each report, the Reports table displays the following information:
The name of the report in the originally authored language. Click the report name to view the report.
Localized Name
The localized name of the report, based on your browser locale setting. This attribute only displays for non-English locales.
A description of the report.
The context in which the report was created.
Ready For Use
Indicates whether the report is ready for use. If this flag is not set, then the report is only visible to users with modify permissions for the report.
Reporting System
The reporting engine used to render the given report. For example, JasperReports indicates that the report is rendered using Jasper library.
The columns displayed in the table depend on the view selected from the table view drop-down list. For more information about customizing views, as well as other information about tables, see Using Tables.
The following actions are available from the Reports table, depending on your permissions and the table location you are viewing:
View a report. Any user who can see the report in the Reports table can view the report.
Export and import report templates.
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