Creating a New Data Monitor
A data monitor is a scheduled running of a saved report. You can create multiple data monitors for a single saved report, for different purposes.
1. Launch the New Data Monitor window in one of the following ways:
select New Data Monitor from the right-click actions menu for the saved report on the Saved Reports table.
select a saved report and click the new data monitor icon in the Saved Reports table.
2. In the New Data Monitor window, enter information in the following fields. The fields are grouped into three categories.
Data Monitor Settings
The text identifier for the data monitor object. Since there can be multiple data monitors for a single saved report, consider providing a descriptive name to distinguish one data monitor from another. (Required)
A description of the data monitor. For example, you could describe the purpose of this specific data monitor, or summarize the criteria and frequency of execution.
Report Criteria
The saved report on which this data monitor is based. The value is determined by the saved report selected when the New Data Monitor window was launched.
A numeric value indicating the minimum number of result rows required before a notification will be sent to the specified recipients. The default threshold number is 1. (Required)
Select the format for the data monitor output. Available formats include:
HTML (default)
HTML (with merging)
CSV (Comma Separated Variable)
Data Monitor Schedule
Start Time
The date and time when the data monitor will begin executing. If no value is specified, the start time defaults to the current time.
End Time
The date and time when the data monitor will stop executing. If no value is specified, the data monitor will execute until the Max Firings are exhausted.
Max Firings
The maximum number of times the data monitor is executed. Once this number of executions is met, the data monitor will pause. The default value is 1.
The frequency with which the data monitor will execute. Available options are:
Daily (1 day)—The data monitor executes once each day.
Weekly (1 week)—The data monitor executes once each week.
Bi-Weekly (2 weeks)—The data monitor executes once every two weeks.
Monthly (4 weeks)—The data monitor executes once every four weeks.
Quarterly (13 weeks)—The data monitor executes once every thirteen weeks.
Every—The data monitor executes once every n days, hours, or minutes:
Frequency Days
Frequency Hours
Frequency Minutes
Notifications—Defines the contents and recipients for the notification email sent each time the data monitor execution meets the specified threshold.
The subject line of the notification email for the data monitor. The default value is:
Data Monitor - <saved report name>
where <saved report name> is the name of the saved report against which the data monitor is defined.
Text included in the body of the notification email. This field is blank by default.
Email Recipients
Specifies the users to be included in the To field of the notification email. Click the find icon to search for the desired recipients in the Users window. If no recipients are specified, the data monitor creator receives the notification.
Users selected from the Search Results of the User window will overwrite any previously existing users in the Email Recipients field.
Email Recipients CC
Specifies the users to be included in the CC: field of the notification email. Click the find icon to search for the desired recipients in the Users window.
Users selected from the Search Results of the User window will overwrite any previously existing users in the Email Recipients field.
3. Click OK.
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