Using the Report Builder
1. Launch the Report Builder in one of the following ways:
From the Reports table, click the report name, the view report icon , or select View Report from the right-click actions menu for the Windchill report you want to view.
From the report information page for a Windchill report, select View Report from the Actions menu.
From the Report Templates table, accessed by clicking Report Management on the Utilities page, select View Report from the right-click actions menu for a report template.
From the information page for a report template, accessed by selecting View Information for the report template from the Report Templates table, select View Report from the Actions menu.
From Query Builder while editing a report template, click View Report.
2. Specify the desired criteria for your report in the Criteria pane. You must select at least one field on which to report. Each report contains criteria that can be grouped into sections, which can be expanded and collapsed for easier navigation. The section names are also available as shortcut links at the top of the pane. If there are multiple sections in the report, the fields in the first section are automatically selected when the report is initially opened. If there are no sections, all fields are automatically selected.
You can choose to view a previously saved set of criteria for this report, if available, from the Saved Reports drop-down list at the top left of the Criteria pane.
You can choose to view only reports that you have created by selecting Show only my reports, or select Show all reports to see criteria saved by all users for this report. Select the desired saved report from the list. The Criteria pane is populated with the criteria from the selected saved report. The saved report name is displayed above the criteria.
a. Select the checkbox next to the fields you want to include in your report.
Each selected field displays as a column in the Results Table. Click Select All at the top of each section to select all checkboxes in the section, and Deselect All to clear all checkboxes. If the report includes multiple sections, clicking the Include All Fields link at the bottom of the Criteria pane selects all available criteria fields in every section; clicking Deselect All Fields clears all checkboxes.
b. Enter criteria for any fields that you want to constrain. The input field varies with the data type of the selected criteria. For example:
For a date field, you can input the beginning dates or end dates of a date range, or both.
For an enumerated type, you can select one or more options from a drop-down list.
For a string field, you can enter text.
To enter multiple values in a text field, use the pipe character ( | ) as a separator. Wild-card characters can be used when entering multiple values.
Using leading wild-card characters (a wild-card character at the start of the search string) or multiple wild-card characters in a criteria text field can cause query performance issues, even when an attribute has a database index.
Empty input fields are ignored.
c. Select the operator for each selected field, where applicable. The default operator is already selected.
The combination of operator and input field values is used to filter the report results. If there is conflict, the operator always takes precedence over the input field values. For example, if you select the “is null” operator, but enter a value in the input field, the value entered is ignored. Similarly, if you enter a date range for a date field, but select the “last year” operator, the entered date range is ignored, and the data for “last year” is returned.
Operators and input fields are not displayed for derived attributes, Java methods, and items whose Allow user to specify criteria property in the report template is not selected. Operators are not displayed on the Criteria pane for parameter values, as the operator specified for the parameter value on the Query BuilderCriteria tab is used when running the report.
To clear all checkboxes and delete any input criteria, click Clear. Any empty input fields are ignored when the report is generated.
The unit of measurement for an attribute of type “Real Number with Unit” is displayed in the Selection Criteria on a Report Builder page, the result table when a report is generated, and as a suffix to values for a custom input page. The unit of measurement displayed is as per the preference set in Attribute Handling > Measurement System > Set Preference in Preference Management. If any values have been specified for an attribute of type “Real Number with Unit” that is part of the Criteria tab of a Saved Report, then such values would be converted as per the prevailing value of the preference for Measurement System at the time of execution.
3. Click Generate.
Generate buttons are present on the top and bottom of the Criteria pane, as well as above the Results Table. This allows users to generate the report even when the Criteria pane is collapsed.
The Results Table for the report displays, and the Criteria pane is collapsed, unless the pane is pinned.
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