Promotion Preference Management Utility
The Promotion Preference Management table displays the current value of the site-level Default Promotion Processes preference and any custom preferences set for the site.
You can use this utility to create custom variations of the Default Promotion Processes preference for each target life cycle state.
• To create a new preference, you must be a site administrator. The New Promotion Preference action is only available from > > .
• You can change promotion preference settings from the following locations:
For information on setting a promotion preference, refer to the instructions provided for the
Default Promotion Processes preference in
Promotion Process Preferences.
• If the locked icon

appears next to a preference, that means it has been locked at a higher level and cannot be changed.
• Site and organization administrators can remove any custom preference values set at levels lower. Select Delete Child Instances from the right-click actions menu of a preference.
For example, you create a life cycle template that allows users to promote an object to the Released or Canceled states. As a result, those two options appear in the Target Promotion State menu when creating a new promotion request.
You can create a preference to ensure that if users select the Released state, then they are presented with complex approval workflow processes under the Select Participants step. You can create a separate preference to ensure that if users select the Canceled state, they are presented with a simple notification workflow process.