License Profile Information Page
The information page for each license profile is accessed by clicking the view information icon on the License Profiles table.
The information page provides details specific to each profile, including the criteria that was selected by PTC. Profile attributes are listed at the top of the page. License profiles are searchable within Windchill. License profiles are maintained by PTC and cannot be altered.
If a license profile is disabled, then user will not be able to view and perform any actions associated with it in Windchill. For example, user 1 is added as a member of PTC Contributor License group that provides user capability to create document in Windchill. If PTC Contributor License profile is disabled, then the user is restricted from creating a document.
License profiles can be disabled only by PTC.
Save As Standard Profile is the only action available from the Actions drop-down list. License profiles can be saved with a new name as a standard profile, which allows you to reuse its membership and action visibility settings.
The following describes the tables that appear on the information page.
Table Name
Table Description
The actions and areas of the user interface that are selected, and therefore visible for the profile being viewed.
Profile Members
License groups that are associated with the profile. Users for whom a license has been purchased should be added to the license group associated with that license in order to extend the capabilities of the license profile to the user.
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